ZR cannot blame an innocent citizen like Dr. Rajan Mahtani

Zambia Reports has made it a habit to create article that is entirely misleading and defamatory in nature. Dr. Rajan Mahtani has become a victim of such crusade. Over the years, it has been seen that people who scores to settle with Dr. Mahtani take assistance from Zambia Reports and get themselves into a position from where they are able to dictate terms.


The case between Finance Bank and Lamasat came to limelight when Zambia Reports published an article where it has claimed that Dr. Rajan Mahtani is secretly operating Finance Bank from behind. The world is aware of the fact that FBZ was sold to BancABC in 2016 and since then it has been all about the decision of BancABC. The borrower, that is, Lamasat was not looking good in terms of repayment and hence the call for repayment was made. But as usual, the matter was shown in a different way.

Dr. Rajan Mahtani is neither interested in politics and nor does he believes in getting things done in illegal ways. He was dedicated his life towards development of Zambia and his business empire. Right from Portland Cement Zambia to Raddison Blu, his contribution has always supported nature’s development. A close of friend of Dr. Rajan Mahtani says, “I have known him (Dr. Rajan Mahtani) for about 50 years now and he has not changed a bit. Right from his younger days, he has been a pro-active businessman who not only thought about his profits, but also towards the needs of the people. His ideas are always supplemented with a touch of philanthropy. Sometimes he gets upset with the publications from Zambia Reports, but quickly shrugs it off and starts focusing on his existing channels. He is a man who has got a heart of gold.” The statement in itself is sufficient to show his generosity.”