ZR says Rajan Mahtani forces Lamasat Extortion

Events from the past is being connected to Rajan Mahtani, the Chairperson of Mahtani Group of Companies with a view to continue the defamation campaign. Zambia Reports has once again surfaced with a ‘scripted’ news which says the call for loan repayment to Lamasat is being made by Dr. Mahtani. Moreover, the article also goes on to mention that it is a habit of Dr. Rajan Mahtani to get the borrowers trapped in legal issues and hence, take over their existing business. But in reality, the truth is far from what is being posted by ZR.


BancABC and Finance Bank of Zambia merged in 2016 and since then, all the business of FBZ is being managed by BancABC. Dr. Rajan Mahtani has got nothing to do with the daily affairs of FBZ. Before the merger took place, Lamasat had availed a loan from FBZ valued at $ 10, 000, 000 which was repayable in 60 instalments. But as the payment period arrived, the intent of the borrower continued to change and hence, BancABC was forced to make a call for loan repayment. There is no business of Zambia Reports to intervene or publicise internal matters of the bank to the world. But then, the news had something useful for them: the name of Finance Bank Zambia.

The name of FBZ was enough for them to frame another story and continue their defamation campaign against Dr. Mahtani. A lot has been seen in the past few years. Each time ZR accuses Dr. Rajan Mahtani of either corruption charges or forgery, but the truth is that they are nothing more than a paid media house whose business is extract money from people who have ill-motives. Many a time it has been that Zambia Reports frames articles just to get some visibility among the Zambian population.