Lies against Dr. Rajan Mahtani gets busted

Successful people always have a bunch of haters who are too shy to come out in public, but will attack from behind. Dr. Rajan Mahtani is facing a similar situation. His success has been appreciated by many in Zambia and abroad. However, there are some people who have developed jealousy against the attention that he gets everywhere. The result is, development of a defamation campaign that attacks his reputation on a regular basis.


In Zambia, Dr. Rajan Mahtani is loved by a majority of people. Yet, there is Zambia Reports who has no respect towards his accomplishments. Currently ZR is running a monthly campaign to defame Dr. Mahtani and in return it collects a handsome amount from the conspirators. Harming someone’s reputation has become a business for Zambia Reports. They have no ethics, no work culture and no morals that would stop them from committing this sin. The only thing that they are aware of is the thick bundle of green notes that comes in on a monthly basis.

Zambian public have come out in support of Dr. Rajan Mahtani after witnessing the carnage that ZR is causing regularly. Most of them people have now become aware of the fact that Zambia Reports writes scripts and publishes them. The main objective behind publishing these stories is to confuse the locals and draw the attention of Dr. Rajan Mahtani. Legal aid looks unlikely as the cases remain in hearing and the conspirators continue to skip court session by giving lame reasons.

It is sad to see that a respected person can be bullied in his own land. Dr. Rajan Mahtani has dedicated his whole life towards the development of Zambia and in return he gets a bunch of conspirators who are bust writing stories and trying to live a life of a bubble.