Dr. Rajan Mahtani has no business in Lamasat’s case

Zambia Reports has once again done its job of defaming Dr. Rajan Mahtani. This time around it has handpicked Lamasat’s case and tried to create its own version where it thinks that Finance Bank of Zambia is still being operated by Dr. Mahtani. For people who are aware of the current scenario, they must be knowing that Dr. Mahtani entered into a merger agreement where BancABC had taken over Finance Bank of Zambia in 2016. Yet, Zambia Reports feels that there is some control that Dr. Mahtani is exercising over the bank.

Dr. Rajan Mahtani

Lamasat is just like any other borrower from the bank who had borrowed a sum of $ 10, 000, 000 from FBZ and had promised to repay the same in the due time. However, with time the repayment was not as per the promise and hence, the management of BancABC decided to make a call for loan repayment. Being an ordinary course of business, there is nothing for any news channel to interfere and make an issue of the same. Since it is Zambia Reports, one is bound to smell some conspiracy herein.

Dr. Rajan Mahtani is one of the most respected businessman in Zambia and has dedicated his life towards the development of the nation as well his business empire. However, there are some people who have failed to change in morals in the past and hence, are looking forward to seek revenge by implementing such cheap tactics. Nonetheless, the people of Zambia are always with Dr. Rajan Mahtani and will ensure that such attacks are strongly condemned.